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There’s more than enough evidence out there to show that kids who have pets are more likely to develop and improve upon important skills like nurturing and socializing. Pets can also be a source of comfort in times when children are going through a hard time or might be struggling with anxiety. It’s important to get them the right pet, though, so they will be able to handle the new responsibilities. Safety brand Spotlite Pets offers a few tips that can help:


Low-Maintenance Pets

Since this is your child’s first pet, this category might be the best place to start. Low-maintenance pets can include a few animals who love the water. According to PetSmart, turtles and tortoises are easy to maintain. The main responsibility will be getting them the right tank and maintaining it. Your child may not be up to all that yet so you’ll have to handle that. Where their day-to-day needs are concerned, your child should be able to take care of them with the proper training. Fish are another option for your child’s first pet. As with the turtles, the most taxing part of a fish’s care is maintaining the aquarium. As your child gets older, though, it’s possible to develop these skills.


Medium-Maintenance Pets

It’s hard to think of hamsters and guinea pigs as rodents, but that’s exactly what they are. Fortunately, they’re the cute and cuddly type that kids can enjoy taking care of at the right age. According to Pet Helpful, guinea pigs are great for children between 5 and 12. They are hardy pets who interact well with their owners and are fairly easy to feed. Hamsters are also interactive, but make sure you teach your kids how to handle them properly or they might bite. With both these pets, choosing the right home is important as they need space for moving about. Unlike fish and turtles, their homes must be cleaned at least weekly, so this is something to bear in mind.


Regular-Maintenance Pets

This is where we finally get to the cats and dogs. They’re more conventional, but it takes a lot to take care of them. When taking care of cats, International Cat Care suggests making sure they see a vet on a regular basis. While cats are a bit more independent than dogs, they still need attention, plenty of toys to keep them occupied, the right type of food, and consistent grooming. Dogs may be called man’s best friend, not just because of their loyalty but also because of the level of attention they require. Before getting a dog, make sure your child is ready to take the dog for walks and clean up their messes, among a long list of other things. It’s also important to gather items like safety collars and leashes from retailers like Spotlite Pets, a crate, a comfy bed, the appropriate dog food, toys, and food and water dishes.


Supplementing Certain Responsibilities

Just because certain responsibilities come with having a pet, it doesn’t mean you can’t put some tools to good use. When it comes to dealing with your cat’s waste, consider getting a sifting litter box for painless cleaning. Automatic feeders can also bear the responsibility of making sure your pet gets the food and water they need. There are feeders available for cats, dogs, and fish as well as other pets. When shopping around for an automatic feeder, make sure to learn about the features, settings, and any companion apps that you can use.


Getting a pet for your child can be an excellent move as long as they’re ready for the responsibility. You can make sure that happens by matching them with the right pet according to their age and capabilities. Take your own role into consideration as well, because you might need to take on the work until your child can comfortably carry it out.


Photo courtesy of Pixabay