

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays - the scares, the candy, the costumes. It’s a lot of fun for both kids and adults, but for even the most well behaved and gentle pets, those strange costumes and spooky sounds can frighten or cause unwanted stress. Your dog may panic and become aggressive or run away and get lost. It’s really best to keep your pet in a quiet room, away from the noise, the excitement and the strangers in costumes.

However, if you think your dog can handle the crowds, then follow these simple guidelines for making sure that you keep your dog and your neighbors safe and happy.



  • If you do want to dress them up for a family picture, make sure their costume doesn’t restrict their ability to bark, breathe, move, see or hear. Pets should only wear costumes when you are able to supervise your pet; pets trying to remove their costume may ingest small parts and torn fabric which can cause dangerous digestive blockages.

  • Keep your dog on a leash. We know that this seems obvious, but it bears repeating! Even if your dog is totally friendly and reliable off-leash, other people and their children may not be comfortable around your dog.

  • Make sure your pet is wearing a collar and identification tag with current information and has been micro-chipped. It’s an unfortunate reality that many pets get loose and lost on Halloween.


  • Avoid sharing candy with your pet! Chocolate can be toxic to your pets, especially dogs. Xylitol, the artificial sweetener found in some candy can be poisonous to dogs as well. Loose candy wrappers made of aluminum foil or cellophane can cause intestinal blockage and vomiting.

  • Keep both the candy you’re giving out and your kids’ haul out of your pet’s reach!


  • Keep lit pumpkins and candles out of your pets reach as they pose an obvious fire hazard.

  • Ribbons, streamers, electrical cords, confetti, and those fake cobwebs can all be dangerous if ingested by a curious pet.

Have a Safe & Fun Halloween from Spotlite Pets

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